Enjoy the finest whipped cream experience with Cream Deluxe Midnight Cream Charger tank — the highlight of your culinary masterpieces! Imagine a touch of midnight embellishing your cakes, drinks, or whatever recipe you like with creamy, dreamy, precisely whipped cream!
The main component for consistently producing delicious whipped cream, high-grade, food-safe nitrous oxide weighs a hefty 666g in each canister of Cream Deluxe Midnight Cream Chargers.
You can rely on Cream Deluxe smartwhips to consistently provide best-in-class performance since they are made with premium materials and processed under tight quality control procedures. These chargers are the ideal complement to your kitchen toolkit whether you’re a home cook, professional chef, or barista.
6 x Silent release nozzles included within wholesale case.
Same day dispatch until 15:00 (Mon-Fri). Free before 12:00 next working day delivery UK nationwide. Free Saturday delivery also included within price.
MISUSE: This product is only intended to be used for preparing food and beverages. If we have any reason to believe you are going to misuse it, we will not sell to you.
*Misuse of Nitrous Oxide carries the risk of serious health problems including death*
As of November 8, 2023, nitrous oxide is classified as a Class C substance in the UK under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971. This means that the importation, exportation, supply and possession of Nitrous Oxide is regulated by the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.
It is against the law to possess nitrous oxide if you intend to wrongfully inhale it or if you plan to supply it to another person for wrongful inhalation.
It is against the law to supply nitrous oxide if you know, or are reckless as to whether, it is likely to be wrongfully inhaled.
Safety Information:
Nitrous Oxide cylinders are filled with liquified gas at high pressure.
Always be sure to use the product according to the manufacturer’s directions and with the proper tools, like professional dispensers and whippers that are sold in our store, for your own safety.
Puncturing the cylinders can cause freezing gas to escape so you may want to protect your hands and face.
Cylinders will get extremely cold when punctured.
Always double check that the cream charger is empty of gas before removing it from your device.
If burnt by freezing gas, seek medical advice immediately. High pressure gas burns may cause deep tissue damage which will likely not be immediately apparent at the time of the exposure.